Helix Gets His Wheels, Children’s Book, Signed By Author


Helix is a tortoise who was born with a physical challenge, he can’t use his back legs, leaving him unable to walk.  He was at a new school and his teacher, Mr. Torty, introduced him to his new classmates.  Helix was very brave and explained to the class what his physical challenge was.  Helix’s new friends, which are different species of tortoises, asked him to play games, such as tag, kickball, hopscotch, hide-and-seek, and football, but due to his physical challenge, he wasn’t able to play them.  Helix wasn’t upset about not being able to play the games, in fact, he showed lots of perseverance by using words like “not yet,” knowing that he would one day like to try to play those games.  Helix wasn’t going to give up, until he figured out a way to play with his friends.  Then Herman came up with a creative idea to save the day.  With lots of kindness, Herman gave Helix his skateboard wheels and helped attach them.  Now that Helix has wheels, he can play all the games with his new friends. Helix can run fast during tag.  Helix can kick the ball during kickball.  Helix can jump to play hopscotch.  Helix can find a good hiding spot for hide-and-seek.  Helix can catch the football and zoom in for a touchdown.  The story ends with Helix sitting at the dinner table with his parents, telling them all about his wonderful day of school and how he was able to play all the games he thought he would never be able to play.  The last few pages of the book are character pages.  Each student in Helix’s class is a different species of tortoise.  The character pages include short bulleted descriptions about each tortoise; common name, scientific name, habitat, climate, and a fun fact.  When Children read this book they will learn about being brave, acceptance, kindness, problem solving, physical challenges, perserverence and they will even get a little education on tortoises. Helix gets his wheels will be part a series of books dicussing Social emotional learning standards, taught in a fun way, through a cute tortoise, that really exists.

Author Bio

Randal Betz Jr. was born January 16th, 1979 in Philadelphia, PA.  He grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and spent his summers deep-sea fishing and playing on the beaches of Ocean City, New Jersey.  For high school he went to The Pennington School in New Jersey, where he was forever influenced by friends, teachers and coaches.  He has a degree in animal biology from Penn State University, which he does not use professionally, but more so for his passionate hobby of turtle and tortoise conservation. He currently lives in Wilmington, Delaware with his wife Meghann and their four children.   He is a full time husband and father, a medical sales consultant by day, a tortoise conservationist by night, and apparently now, an author of a children’s picture book about an inspirational tortoise named Helix, who is the true definition of divine intervention.



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